As The Old Proverb Says, No Pain No Gain!

Why does it get worse before it gets better? 

So often is the case with human physiology. For example, when going to the gym, to get fit, to lose weight and to improve your cardiovascular health it isn’t always easy. Not to mention the fact that it takes time out of your day, it’s tiring, you have to shower afterwards, eat the right foods to achieve these goals.

It also can be quite painful if you start doing weight training, when you haven’t done it for a long period of time, you’re going to feel stiff for the next 48 hours. Actually, the second day is going to be much worse than the first day after you finished exercising.

If you haven’t been on a bike ride in a long time, you’re going to wake up and feel a bit stiff and a bit sore. The reason being is your body’s adapting. You put a certain stress on the muscles and joints that haven’t been there for a long time. And it’s caused the body to change.

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The response to that change is going to be resistance, the body is happier where it is. It tries to function at an optimum position for a long period of time by making compensations. And as soon as you start to change things, change the patterns, change the compensations, it starts to say, ‘Ah I wasn’t too happy with that. I quite liked where I was, this is annoying, I’m going to try and resist and pull back.’

The same thing happens with Chiropractic. When we’re trying to change the spine, but the spine in the new position, take away months, often years, over 10 years, 20 years of bad habits, bad spinal health, curved spine, degenerated arthritic joints, and we try to adapt to move these areas with adjustments, rehab training, traction wedges, there’s often going to be some resistance.

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So the body will try and pull back. It may be stiff and achy. Often what you’ll find is that there’s often a pain in different places. So some of the most common symptoms we see is a client coming in with right-sided back pain or a left side of back pain, they’ll start to get some achiness in their knees or they might find they have achiness in the opposite shoulder. The reason being is because we level out the pelvis to give more stability, the body is going to change in the way that it walks, sits and functions.

There are huge chains of muscles and fascia through the body, all linked together. You think about moving left foot, right foot, left foot, right. It’s all linked in together. And we start to move one of these chains or move one of these patterns, the other areas will function differently. The important thing to remember is it doesn’t last long. It’s frustrating at the time. We all wish we could click our fingers, get you back to where you need to be. We can’t wind back the clock on months, years of bad habits, a degeneration that has developed. We need to reprint the blueprint that has been set in place over a long period of time. We’ll get there. If you have any questions about this specifically, please let me know.

Muscles and Fascia

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