What Is Chiropractic Maintenance & Why Is It Important?

What Is Chiropractic Maintenance & Why Is It Important?

We talked a lot about maintenance, and how it is important for your body. Well, we would say that we are Chiropractors, but why is it important Jeremy?

First let’s discuss what maintenance is. You maintain your teeth every single day, hopefully twice per day by brushing them, you floss them and some use mouthwash. We visit a dentist at least once per year (or we are told we should) to maintain our teeth and prevent decay.

We maintain our cars every single year, with an MOT and service to keep everything working. But why should you maintain these things, shouldn’t they just work on their own and keep going?

Our bodies and our cars are put under stress as they go through their lives, think about your car. It doesn’t just sit in the driveway all year and look good, nor do we wrap you in cotton wool all year and sit still.

We are supposed to live life, move, bend and twist. With that comes situations that our bodies cannot always withstand and compensate for. The odd bump or fall is fine, but what about repeated knocks, posture, running on uneven roads and lifting in the incorrect way. Over time this can cause stress on our bodies and cause them to break down.

What is considered maintenance Chiropractic care?

This depends on your lifestyle, if you are an athlete and put physical stress on your body each day then you will need more maintenance than someone who is not doing that. Professional athletes get some sort of treatment whether it be massage, physio, or chiropractic every single day to tune their bodies. We are not all professional athletes; we see most of our clients twice per month or once per month to keep them healthy. This is a good approach to being proactive rather than reactive.

We often see some clients who come in broken, have an intense 6 sessions, get better and then come back broken in 6 months. The trend here is that they get fixed, the symptoms disappear, and they go back to bad habits. It is better to little and often like once per month rather than intense bursts.

Benefits of maintenance Chiropractic care?

  1. Reduce pain and discomfort in the back, neck, and joints.
  2. Improve range of motion and flexibility.
  3. Enhance the body’s natural healing process-remember your body is smart and it can self-regulate and heal.
  4. Lower the risk of future injuries and prevent chronic conditions from worsening.
  5. Support overall wellbeing.
  6. Prevent long term issues re-occurring and having to do reactive care opposed to pro-active

Here is what Duncan from Blue had to say about his care with us:

“I initially came to West Chiropractic as I had been suffering for many years with back problems, unfortunately I had a disc removed about seven and a half years ago and it has just left niggles and complications. Thankfully Jeremy and his team here at West Chiropractic have really been looking after me.
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to come for the last few months because I have been so busy with my schedule and I have really started to notice that my back has been slipping into its old ways, I have been waking up every morning with a lot of pain, so for me it is really important that I keep on top of it and have regular maintenance and get over to see Jeremy as often as I can.
Because I have got such a busy schedule it is really important for me to also keep on top of it myself, so going to the gym is really important. West Chiropractic gave me a list of little things I could do when I am at home or when I am working away, exercises and stretches that are going to be good for me, with my condition. I really have no excuse not to keep on top of it myself, but when I come into the clinic at West Chiropractic, I always get seen to by Jeremy and his team in a great way, everyone looks after me really well here and I come out with a spring in my step!”

If you want anymore information about our maintenance membership programmes please let me know and I can offer advice on how to do them whilst limiting the impact they have on your body.

If you do know someone who wants more advice, please send them our details. You can send them this blog and they can request a free copy of our book which has posture related exercises in it as well. Click here for FREE book.

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