What Is The Difference Between X-ray, MRI & CT Scan?

What Is The Difference Between X-ray, MRI & CT Scan?

An X-ray is a simple 2D image of a 3D object and this has been around for over a hundred years. It’s a very low cost, easy way to image the bones and sometimes you can identify some abnormal soft tissue masses. We use digital X-ray’s in our clinics which gives the image instantly and we can then assess the integrity of the spine, how things are moving, what needs to be adjusted. It’s a simple way for us to understand what is going on with your back. We can then source the exact cause of the problem and then be able to adjust you based on the X-rays rather than guessing and just using touch.

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In terms of an MRI and CT scan, MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, and it uses radio waves. CT stands for computed tomography and this uses X-rays. They are both relatively low risk but there are differences between the two.

In terms of access, the first one we would use is an X-ray, then a CT scan and then following that, an MRI scan. A CT scan is usually used for bone fractures, tumours, and any internal bleeding. If you had a serious trauma and you go to A&E, very often one of the first things they will do is a CT scan to assess the integrity of your internal body.

An MRI scan is less frequently used mainly because of the cost involved. It can be up to £1000 to actually get one. They’re used for joints and disc prolapses. That’s very popular to be able to image the disc and how it’s pressing on the nerves. It uses a constant magnetic film radiofrequency to bounce off the fat and water molecules in your body where they’re transmitted to the machine, which then we can then image the body and be used to diagnose. Some drawbacks are that it’s very loud. It’s very claustrophobic and it often means you must lie there for up to 45 minutes at a time.

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CT scan is very easy. It does involve a lot of X-rays. Having said that, it’s still a low dose of radiation. The risks of getting a CT are you can’t have them when you’re pregnant. The CT scan is very fast, and it allows us to diagnose very quickly.

In the clinic, we don’t have an MRI scan or a CT scan. If we were to refer for either of these, we refer to the MRI scan usually to diagnose a disc prolapse if we think that it’s not getting any better with conservative chiropractic care. But we will be able to diagnose most conditions with using an X-ray and a proper physical exam

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