How To Reduce Pain After A Fall On Your Coccyx?

How To Reduce Pain After A Fall On Your Coccyx?

Firstly, it is important to start with where the coccyx is. It is located right at the base of the spine; in mammalian anatomy it is the tail. In other mammals you can see the tail, but with humans over time our tail has fused into the coccyx and the sacrum which meets the base of the lumbar spine.

We have all been there and fallen down the stairs, slipped on ice, or had a sports injury where you have landed smack on the coccyx. Usually, you can walk it off and it is fine, in worse scenarios it is sore for a few days, in severe cases it has subluxated and the pain is immense and will need professional help.

What should you do after a coccyx injury to minimise pain?

  1. Avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time.
  2. Use a cushion or doughnut-shaped pillow when sitting.
  3. Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time every few hours.
  4. Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid unnecessary pressure on the tailbone
  5. Avoid activities that may aggravate the injury, such as biking or horseback riding, until the pain has subsided.

How can you comfortably move or sit after a coccyx injury?

  1. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces: If you have a coccyx injury, sitting on hard surfaces can increase pain and discomfort. Try using a cushion or pillow to sit on when you are sitting for an extended period.
  2. Take frequent breaks: It’s important to take regular breaks if you need to sit for an extended period. Stand up, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes to relieve the pressure on your tailbone.
  3. Gentle stretching exercises: Gentle stretching exercises can help relieve muscle tension and reduce pain. I would recommend the pigeon and cross over stretch (see here)
  4. Adjust your posture: Sit up straight and avoid slouching as it can put pressure on your tailbone. Use a chair with good support and place a cushion or pillow as necessary to help you maintain good posture.

Can A Chiropractor Help?

We do help with coccyx injuries and see them in the clinic. The first thing is to take your time, we don’t want to jump on the back and make anything worse. We would examine and understand where the pelvis and coccyx has moved too. We often do soft tissue release around the area to reduce inflammation and then adjust the sacral area without contacting the coccyx to provide relief. In other cases, we do need to contact the outer coccyx to adjust it, it can provide amazing relief.

Should you visit A+E after a coccyx injury?

It depends on the severity of the injury. If there is severe pain, difficulty moving or using the tailbone, numbness, or loss of function in the legs, or any signs of a fracture or dislocation, it is recommended to visit A+E first.

If you do know someone who is struggling with their posture, please send them our details. You can send them this blog and they can request a free copy of our book which has posture related exercises in it as well. Click here for FREE book.

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