How to relieve lower back pain while sleeping

How to relieve lower back pain while sleeping

However, there are a few simple steps you can take to relieve lower back pain while sleeping. Read on to find out exactly how.

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Try new sleeping positions

When we talk about posture, we automatically think about sitting and standing. However, your sleep posture is just as important. The best sleeping position for lower back pain is to lie on your side, partially bending your knees. You could even try placing a small pillow between them.

If you prefer to sleep on your back, try placing a pillow under your legs, knees or lower back to reduce strain on your muscles and support the natural curve of your body. Those who prefer to sleep on their stomach should try swapping the pillow under their head for a thinner one – or removing it altogether. This ensures the lower back isn’t arching upwards unnaturally.

Invest in a new mattress

Good back health requires a mattress that’s in good condition. Experts say that a medium-firm mattress is the best option to give your back the support it needs. However this does depend on personal preferences. You should also look to replace your mattress every 10 years. In the meantime, rotating and flipping it will help to preserve its condition.

Try to get into a deep sleep

Spending the entire evening tossing and turning is going to do nothing for your mental wellbeing or back pain. Mobile phones and TVs should be switched off at least one hour before you go to bed, and alcohol and caffeine limited. Reducing any unwanted light or noise from your bedroom can also help you to sleep through the night.

A regular routine can help too. Think about setting regular bedtimes and wake up times to help your body fall into a more natural sleeping pattern. Taking a bath, reading or doing some yoga just before bed can relax you too.

Be careful when turning in bed

Whether you’re trying to change positions or want to get out of bed, make sure you take your time and focus on your alignments. It’s important to move your whole body together, instead of jutting one limb out before the other. Keep your core pulled in and tight to protect your back too. Don’t make any quick movements and you may even find that it’s easier to bring your knees closer to your chest as you move.

Upgrade your pillows

As we’ve mentioned above, a pillow can be a great accessory to finding the best sleeping position for you so it’s important that you’ve got a good one. Put simply, your pillow should support your head and neck. This means it’ll be protecting the upper part of your spine.

For those who sleep on your back, you need to look out for a pillow that fills the space between the mattress and your neck. When sleeping on your side, a thicker pillow is often required to keep your head in line with your body. Memory foam pillows can be great as they mould to your own body. Stomach sleepers should try and have as thin a pillow as possible – or even go without. As with your mattress, you should change your pillow regularly – with experts saying 18 months is the optimum amount of time.

Seek professional support

If you’re still struggling with back pain while you’re trying to get to sleep it may be worth getting in touch with a chiropractor. Not only will they be able to give you some tips and best-practice advice for getting a good night’s sleep, but they can also get to the route cause of the problem and provide some natural pain relief.

After an initial discussion, they’ll officially diagnose your back pain and create a tailored treatment plan just for you. From exercise and massage to spinal adjustments and acupuncture, there are a number of different solutions to back pain that are quick and effective.

At West Chiropractic, we’ve helped lots of people with back pain and you could be next. If you’d like to discuss your lower or higher back pain and how it affects your sleeping arrangements, get in touch today. We’re also offering a free consultation with one of our expert team members.

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