Hip Pain Treatment in Woking

If you are trying to avoid a hip replacement and keep your body as active as possible into your later life, then this is the clinic for you. 

We help people with hip pain live active, flexible, and mobile lives by allowing them to do all the activities they want to do, such as exercising, tennis, and golf. 

If you don’t want to take painkillers long-term and you are fed up with the traditional GP and NHS wait times, then read on.

What are the causes of hip pain?

Why is it important to treat hip pain?

Hip pain can quickly escalate into a chronic condition and due to the location and function of the hip you need to solve it before it does. As this can affect your walking, mobility and exercise.

If hip pain goes on for too long then it can cause irreversible OA which can lead to the patient requiring surgery.  

How do Chiropractors treat hip pain?

Chiropractors can help with diagnosing what the issue is, often the hip pain is a symptom of something else. We check the low back and pelvis for stability to ensure these are not putting more pressure on one hip than the other. 

In pregnancy where there is laxity around the pelvis, the expecting mother can develop pain in her hips. We would aim to keep the pelvis balanced to prevent hip pain causing the pain to improve their quality of life. 

In some of our clients in their 50’s and above, they develop hip pain when they are walking or exercising. This can be due to mild OA, we want to ensure we can minimise the impact of OA to reduce the risk of having a hip replacement with effective treatment.

What is the best therapy for hip pain?

This would be exercise that is low weight bearing, for example swimming. This allows the hip to move in it’s socket and be mobile without having to bear the weight of the body. When you run or walk this impacts the hip as you are putting force. 

A mixture of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy is great therapy for hip pain that is OA based, tendonitis, bursitis. If it is a fracture or something more sinister you do not want to have these therapies until the fracture is stable, so you will need to seek medical attention. 

We see clients that are pre-operation for a hip replacement and the aim is to get their bodies as fit as possible so they can recover quicker after the operation.

What is stage 4 hip pain?

This is the last stage of hip degeneration/OA. This is where the cartilage has gone and the bone has no protection in the joint. There is a lot of inflammation and pressure in the joint, the patient would be a candidate for a hip replacement.

Is walking OK for hip pain?

Yes as long as it is not fractured or severe OA. 

If you have minor OA, tendinitis, bursitis then some gentle walking is good to lubricate the joint and mobilise the muscles. You don’t want to walk further than 2-3 km at a time and make sure it is not hilly.

Is it best to rest or exercise with hip pain?

It is good to exercise with hip pain, but only if you can bear weight, this will mean that it is likely not to be a sinister problem. The movement helps to nourish and lubricate the joint. As mentioned above you want to ensure that you are not doing high impact activities such as running as this will put pressure on the hip, swimming and cycling are good movements. Perhaps even some light yoga and pilates

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