If you have been suffering from knee pain for longer than four weeks and it has NOT gone away yet, then it is unlikely to do so on its own.
If you are tired of the GP prescribing you painkillers or NHS physio that doesn’t work and are not willing to have surgery, then we have the solution for you.
If you want to stay active and mobile and maintain your flexibility long-term, we see people like you every day in our clinics. Let me explain more about how we can help.
Very often, there is no direct trauma to the knee, and it just ‘comes on’. This can be due to lifestyle choices such as how much exercise we do, what we do daily, and whether we are overweight, which can cause more load on the knees.
It is imperative that you get a diagnosis of your problem, and then we can get you on the correct treatment programme. There is no point in doing a meniscus treatment programme when your problem is ITB syndrome.
Traditionally, chiropractors are not your first line of defence for knee pain. But with more of our clients getting frustrated with NHS physios and taking painkillers. We are seeing more clients come to us first with a knee problem.
A knee problem rarely occurs in isolation if there has not been a trauma. It is usually a buildup over time, either from some instability/problem in the lower back and pelvic area or a ‘hyper’ or ‘hypo’ pronation of the foot that causes the knee to take up more load in different positions.
The Chiropractor aims to correct the alignment, and then our sports therapy team works on the knee to help build strength and manage the pain.
It depends on what is causing your knee pain. If it is dislocated or fractured, you should not move it, as it requires time to heal in a fixed position.
You can move with conditions such as patellofemoral pain syndrome or ITB syndrome. But don’t overdo it. Heading out for a 10-mile run is not going to help.
This also depends on what has caused it. If you have an imbalance issue like PFPS or ITB, then you need to stretch these.
If you have an ACL/PCL/MCL, there will be a time to stretch it, but you need to consult with a physio or specialist to advise you when you can start your recovery. They are often unstable initially, and you do not want to stretch them during this period.
If you have osteoarthritis, stretching the muscles around the knee can help relieve pressure on the knee and manage pain.
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